
Facebook booking system

Do you want to integrate your online booking system with social media websites like Facebook? No problem! Below we’ve explained some of the benefits of this unique integration.


Facebook booking system
Integrating your new booking system with Facebook will allow you to take customer bookings directly from your business page. This is much more convenient for customers that already follow you on Facebook and will allow them to complete their booking without leaving your page.


Sharing bookings on Facebook
Another benefit of integrating your booking system with Facebook is that it will allow for easy sharing. When customers have completed their booking, they will be given the option to share it with their Facebook friends, with just a click of the mouse button. This will then publish details of their booking to their Facebook wall and give their friends the opportunity to add themselves onto the booking. It’s as easy as that!


For more information about Facebook integrations, feel free to get in touch.


Twitter booking system

Are you looking for a way to increase your booking numbers and make better use of social media? We’ve got just the answer. Integrating your bespoke booking system with Twitter will be incredibly beneficial for your business. See below to find out more!


Twitter booking system
One of the best things about integrating your booking system with Twitter is that it can lead to higher booking numbers and profits. When customers have completed their booking, they will be given the option to share the details on Twitter. A simple click of the mouse and their booking details will be published in a tweet, essentially advertising your business and services to a wider customer base.


Twitter booking software
Followers that publish their booking details on Twitter will also give the opportunity for their friends to add themselves onto the booking. A unique link will be created, ensuring friends book for the right event.
Twitter booking software
Followers can book on to the same event
When a customer has completed their booking they can post the the booking details to Twitter.


This will also contain a link which will allow followers to book on to the same event.

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