Google Maps

Google Maps booking system

Looking for a way to make your customers’ online booking experience even better? Get our team to integrate your bespoke booking system with Google Maps. Below we have outlined some of the key benefits of doing so.


Google Maps booking system
Integrating your booking system with Google Maps will allow you to provide your customers with additional information that will ensure they have an even better experience with your company:

  • Maps of event / booking location – This will make it easier for customers to find your restaurant, hotel, spa or whatever business you run.
  • Mileage to an event / booking – Google Maps will tell the customer how many miles it is to the location of the event / booking from their home address.
  • Plotting of multiple venues – This will allow customers to see which of your venues is closest to them.
  • Travel duration to an event / booking – Google Maps will inform customers how long it will take them to get to the venue so they can plan their travel times and arrangements.
  • Google Maps booking software

Multiple venue/store locations
Customers can use the integrated Google map to see all the available locatiosn that can be booked. When a location is selected user can also get the directions and view the location on street view.

PCA Predict booking system

Errors like typos can cause a number of problems for businesses taking bookings from their customers. However by simply integrating your booking system with Postcode Anywhere, you can stop these problems for good. Postcode Anywhere is basically a system that is used to capture and validate addresses, payment information and email accounts. It ensures customers input the correct data, allowing for a smoother bookings process.


PCA Predict Anywhere booking system
By integrating your booking system with PCA Predict, customers will be able to enter their postcode and instantly find their address details. This will save a considerable amount of time and make the bookings process straightforward for customers. Not only that but it will also guarantee that all of the booking information is 100% accurate.


Customers will also be able to use PCA Predict to find their nearest venue and access useful information such as the distance from their home address and how long it will take to drive there.

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